
NodeJS v20+ (use only even versions)


MySQL (v5+) or PostgreSQL (12.5+)

Redis (v6+)

Getting Started

Installation & Setup

The setup doesn’t work in Windows PowerShell or cmd.exe. If you’re using Windows, please use a bash command line like Git Bash or cygwin

Create a Chartbrew database

Chartbrew works with both MySQL and PostgreSQL. You can use any of the two, but you need to create a database first.

Follow the instruction here.

Get and setup the project

git clone
cd chartbrew && npm run setup

Set up the environment variables

All the environment variables that need to be set are found in the .env-template file in the root folder of the project. If you ran the setup above, you should already have a .env file there as well. If not, copy the template file and rename it .env.

Make sure you fill out the production and development sections accordingly.

See the full list of variables here

Run the project locally

Open two terminals, one for front-end and the other for back-end.

# frontend
cd client/
npm run start

# backend
cd server/
npm run start-dev

Set up Redis for automatic dataset updates

Chartbrew uses queues to update datasets automatically and it uses Redis to achieve this. In order for your datasets and charts to update automatically, you need to set up Redis first.

Find out how to set up Redis on various platforms here..

Tech stack




Environment variables

See the full list of variables here