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Environment Variables
Environment variables for Chartbrew
The table below shows the production
variables. The development
variables have the same naming, but they are appended with _DEV
(example: CB_DB_NAME
Variable | Default value | Description |
CB_DB_NAME CB_DB_NAME_DEV required | chartbrew | The name of the database |
CB_DB_USERNAME CB_DB_USERNAME_DEV required | No default | The username of the user that has access to the database |
CB_DB_PASSWORD CB_DB_PASSWORD_DEV | No default | The password associated with the database user |
CB_DB_HOST CB_DB_HOST_DEV required | localhost | The host address where the database is located |
CB_DB_PORT CB_DB_PORT_DEV | 3306 | The port of the hosting address |
CB_DB_DIALECT CB_DB_DIALECT_DEV required | mysql | Which database to use between mysql and postgres |
CB_DB_CERT CB_DB_CERT_DEV | No default | If your DB requires an SSL connection, use this variable to provide the string value of the certificate |
CB_ENCRYPTION_KEY CB_ENCRYPTION_KEY_DEV required | A key will be generate for you during the first run | A secure 32 bytes string which is used to encrypt the data in the database. Click here to see how you can generate a key. |
CB_OPENAI_API_KEY CB_OPENAI_API_KEY_DEV | No default | The API key for the OpenAI API |
CB_OPENAI_MODEL CB_OPENAI_MODEL_DEV | gpt-4o-mini | The model to use for the OpenAI API |
CB_REDIS_HOST CB_REDIS_HOST_DEV | localhost | The host address where the Redis server is located |
CB_REDIS_PORT CB_REDIS_PORT_DEV | 6379 | The port of the Redis server |
CB_REDIS_PASSWORD CB_REDIS_PASSWORD_DEV | No default | The password for the Redis server, if required |
CB_REDIS_DB CB_REDIS_DB_DEV | 0 | The Redis database number to use |
CB_REDIS_CA CB_REDIS_CA_DEV | No default | The string value of the certificate |
CB_API_HOST CB_API_HOST_DEV required | localhost | The address where the server app is running from. This variable is used internally by the server app. This value is overwritten by the PORT variable (if set) |
CB_API_PORT CB_API_PORT_DEV required | 4019 | The port where the server app is running from. This variable is used internally by the server app |
VITE_APP_CLIENT_HOST VITE_APP_CLIENT_HOST_DEV required | http://localhost:4018 | The full address where the client app is running from. This variable is used in the client app and it’s populated during the building process.Note The app needs to be restarted/rebuilt when this value is changed. |
VITE_APP_CLIENT_PORT VITE_APP_CLIENT_PORT_DEV required | 4018 | The port where the client app is running from. This variable is used in the client app and it’s populated during the building process.Note The app needs to be restarted/rebuilt when this value is changed. |
VITE_APP_API_HOST VITE_APP_API_HOST_DEV required | http://localhost:4019 | The full address where the server app is running. This variable is used by the client app.Note The app needs to be restarted/rebuilt when this value is changed. |
CB_MAIL_HOST CB_MAIL_HOST_DEV | | The server host of the email provider |
CB_MAIL_USER CB_MAIL_USER_DEV | No default | The username used to log in on the email server |
CB_MAIL_PASS CB_MAIL_PASS_DEV | No deafult | The password used to log in on the email server |
CB_MAIL_PORT CB_MAIL_PORT_DEV | 465 | The port used to connect to the email server |
CB_MAIL_SECURE CB_MAIL_SECURE_DEV | true | true - Use SSL to connect to the email server false - Use TLS to connect to the email server |
CB_ADMIN_MAIL CB_ADMIN_MAIL_DEV | [email protected] | The email address used to send the emails from |
CB_RESTRICT_TEAMS CB_RESTRICT_TEAMS_DEV | 0 | 0 - New users will have their own team created on sign-up. 1 - New users don’t have a team on signup and can’t create their own. |
CB_RESTRICT_SIGNUP CB_RESTRICT_SIGNUP_DEV | 0 | 0 - Anyone can create accounts from the signup page 1 - New users can only sign up using invite links |
CB_GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID CB_GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID_DEV | No default | Google app Client ID generated from the Console (Needed for Google integrations) |
CB_GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET CB_GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET_DEV | No default | Google app Client Secret generated from the Console (Needed for Google integrations) |
CB_BACKEND_WORKERS CB_BACKEND_WORKERS_DEV | 4 | Some background tasks in Chartbrew will use workers to spread work on multiple threads. Still testing, but for best performance, set this to the number of threads your CPU has |
CB_OPENAI_API_KEY CB_OPENAI_API_KEY_DEV | No default | The API key for the OpenAI API |
CB_OPENAI_MODEL CB_OPENAI_MODEL_DEV | gpt-4o-mini | The model to use for the OpenAI API |
Generate the encryption key
You will need a 32 bytes AES encryption key for the CB_ENCRYPTION_KEY
variable. Chartbrew generates both CB_ENCRYPTION_KEY
for you during the first run, but if you wish to have control over the value, you can generate it yourself.
Run the following command to generate a valid key: