Since this is a major release, we recommend you to back up your current v2 database before migrating to v3. All the database migration scripts are automated, but it’s always better to be safe than sorry.

v3 Preview

Major architectural changes

  • The client project is now using Vite instead of Create React App
  • Major changes to the database schema
    • The Connection table is now related to Team instead of Project
    • The Dataset table is now related to Team instead of Chart
    • Introducing a new table called ChartDatasetConfig to store the relationship and configuration between a Chart and a Dataset
    • New roles within a Team called: teamOwner, teamAdmin, projectAdmin, projectViewer
  • The UI has been upgraded from NextUI v1 to v2
  • The UI is now using TailwindCSS
  • The minimum version of NodeJS is now v20

πŸ”₯ Breaking changes - actions required

  • New variable VITE_APP_CLIENT_PORT to specify where the app runs or is served. The default value is 4018, but you will have to change this if you run the app on a different port.
  • NodeJS v20 is required as a minimum version
  • Team roles have changed. The previous admin and editor roles are now set as projectAdmin. This will not allow them to create connections and datasets, so you might have to reassign the roles for your team members in the UI.