Webhooks are used by Chartbrew to send chart alerts. Chartbrew also supports sending data to Slack through the Incoming Webhook integration.

Webhook chart alerts

Chartbrew sends POST requests to the webhook URL with the following payload:

  • chart - the chart name as a string
  • alert - the alert configuration
    • type - the alert type is one of milestone, threshold_above, threshold_below, threshold_between, threshold_outside, anomaly
    • rules - this is an object that shows the trigger rules for the alert
  • alertsFound - an array of objects containing a label and a value for each item on the chart that triggered the alert
  • dashboardUrl - the URL to the dashboard where the chart is located

Example payload:

  "chart": "Site stats",
  "alert": { "type": "milestone", "rules": { "value": "40" } },
  "alertsFound": [
    { "label": "2023 Jan 13", "value": 47 }
  "dashboardUrl": "https://app.chartbrew.com/project/1",
  "snapshotUrl": "https://api.chartbrew.com/uploads/1234567890.png"

Slack webhook

When sending data to Slack, Chartbrew will also attach a blocks property to the payload. This is an array of objects that contain the Slack blocks to be rendered in the message.