The setup is not yet updated for PostgreSQL. Please open a PR if you have a docker-compose.yml file that works for PostgreSQL.

Using the docker image directly

A Chartbrew docker image is built whenever a new version is released.

Before running the commands below, make sure you have a MySQL server already running and an empty database that Chartbrew can use. The database name should match the value of the CB_DB_NAME variable.

You will need a 32 bytes AES encryption key for the CB_ENCRYPTION_KEY variable. Run the following command to generate one:

node -e "console.log(require('crypto').randomBytes(32).toString('hex'))"
docker pull razvanilin/chartbrew

docker run -p 4019:4019 -p 4018:4018 \
  -e CB_ENCRYPTION_KEY=your_32_bytes_key \
  -e CB_API_HOST= \
  -e CB_API_PORT=4019 \
  -e CB_DB_HOST=host.docker.internal \
  -e CB_DB_PORT=3306 \
  -e CB_DB_NAME=chartbrew \
  -e CB_DB_USERNAME=root \
  -e CB_DB_PASSWORD=password \
  -e CB_REDIS_HOST=host.docker.internal \
  -e CB_REDIS_PORT=6379 \
  -e CB_REDIS_PASSWORD=password \
  -e VITE_APP_CLIENT_HOST=http://localhost:4018 \
  -e VITE_APP_API_HOST=http://localhost:4019 \

Changing environment variables

If you change any of the VITE_APP_* variables after the first run, it’s important to build the client application again from inside the image. This is done by running the following command:

# replace 'your_container_name' with the name of your docker container where Chartbrew is running

docker exec -it -w /code/client your_container_name npm run build

Now let’s analyse what is needed for the docker image to run properly.

The 4019 port is used by the API and 4018 for the client app (UI). Feel free to map these to any other ports on your system (e.g 4523:4019).

  • CB_ENCRYPTION_KEY this string will be used to encrypt passwords and tokens. Use a secure 32 bytes string. You can generate one here.
  • CB_API_HOST needs to point to the home address of the system. Usually for a docker image this is
  • CB_DB_HOST is the host of your database and determines how the application can reach it. host.docker.internal is used when you want the container to connect to a service on your host such as a database running on your server already.
  • CB_DB_PORT is the port number of your database.
  • CB_DB_NAME the name of the database (make sure the database exists before running the image).
  • CB_DB_USERNAME and CB_DB_PASSWORD are used for authentication with the DB.
  • CB_REDIS_HOST, CB_REDIS_PORT, and CB_REDIS_PASSWORD are used for the Redis queue.
  • VITE_APP_CLIENT_HOST is the address of the client application and is used by the client to be aware of its own address (not as important)
  • VITE_APP_CLIENT_PORT The port number where your client application will run from.
  • VITE_APP_API_HOST this is used for the client application to know where to make the API requests. This is the address of the API (backend).

If the setup fails in any way, please double-check that the environment variables are set correctly. Check that both API and Client apps are running, and if you can’t get it running, please open a new issue with as much info as you can share (logs, vars).

Using docker-compose

If you want to use docker-compose, you can use the docker-compose.yml file from the root of the project as an example.

Go to the docker-compose.yml file

The docker-compose.yml file is using the .env file to set the environment variables. Ensure you have the file in the root of the project and complete it with the required values. You can copy the .env-template file and check the Environment variables section for more information.

Once you have the .env file, you can run the following command to start the application:

docker-compose up -d