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Currently webhooks are used by Chartbrew to send chart alerts.

Webhook chart alerts

Chartbrew sends POST requests to the webhook URL with the following payload:

  • chart - the chart name as a string
  • alert - the alert configuration
    • type - the alert type is one of milestone, threshold_above, threshold_below, threshold_between, threshold_outside, anomaly
    • rules - this is an object that shows the trigger rules for the alert
  • alertsFound - an array of objects containing a label and a value for each item on the chart that triggered the alert
  • dashboardUrl - the URL to the dashboard where the chart is located

Example payload:

  "chart": "Site stats",
  "alert": { "type": "milestone", "rules": { "value": "40" } },
  "alertsFound": [
    { "label": "2023 Jan 13", "value": 47 }
  "dashboardUrl": ""