Creating a chart is a multi-step process since the current API was developed to be used with Chartbrew’s frontend. In the future, we plan to introduce new endpoints to make the process easier.

  1. Create a Connection to authenticate with your data source - /team/:team_id/connection
  2. Create a Dataset that we will use to format the data from the data source - /team/:team_id/dataset
  3. Create a DataRequest to fetch the data from the data source. We need to connect this to the dataset we created before using the dataset_id field - /team/:team_id/dataset/:dataset_id/dataRequest
  4. Create a Dashboard where we will place the chart - /project
  5. Create a Chart and connect it to the dashboard we created before using the project_id field - /project/:project_id/chart
  6. Create a ChartDatasetConfig and connect it to the relevant dataset and chart through the dataset_id and chart_id fields - /project/:project_id/chart/:chart_id/chart-dataset-config